Saturday, August 14, 2010

Brief Update

First off, sorry for the lack of posts recently....if anyone is reading this that is.....I've been very busy with work and there haven't been any new developments. Its been frustrating and rather then repeatedly saying so hear I just decided to take some time and pray for patience. It worked, sort of. I received an email from the Rector at the church I've settled at talking about the new program they've established for young adults 20-24. It said to fill out the linked application and mail it to the Diocese with Rector signature. I planned to do so first thing the next day, until I received a second email. The Rector had forwarded a correction they made to the previous day's announcement. It basically said scratch that about the young adult program, we'll let you know when and how to apply. The process is supposed to start next month. This is promising. As my Rector said in her email "Kinda makes you wonder."