Sunday, October 17, 2010

Another Update

So far nothing has come forth about moving forward in the process with the diocese. Which is frustrating at best. In the mean time I've managed to get my hands into just about every pie I come across at my new parish.

In addition to being on the S'MORES Committee, I'm also a chalice, a lector, I volunteer in the Nursery, I'm teaching Sunday School to the Junior High, and I'm starting the Youth Group. I find most of what I'm doing is fulfilling for the time being. Its not that I want to be more involved in other things per se just simply that I wished to be involved in a different way. Which I suppose is a good thing in that hopefully I'm still on the right path. God and I are still debating that one some days.

The Junior High kids can be exhausting but I've really come to love working with them and attempting to help them gain some knowledge from me. Some Sundays I feel like I've done nothing but have them read the Gospel reading for that Sunday-not for lack of trying-and other Sundays I feel as if I've imparted some wisdom that will grow their faith just a little. What's really bizarre, is when what I say is reiterated in some way by what is said in that day's sermon. God truly works in small and mysterious ways.

The Youth Group is slow growing. The kids all seem excited about it, but the struggle lies in scheduling conflicts with the older ones. I know the Middle Schoolers because I teach them, but the High Schoolers and I haven't connected yet. Which is hard cause I don't want to force myself on them, at the same time that I really would love to get to know them just a little. Only time will tell I suppose. That and a little prayer might help.

I will try to keep you updated as I go. Its slow going, but I hope things pick up soon.

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