Monday, May 17, 2010

The Apocrypha

So I recently learned that there are some Bibles that come with what is called an Apocrypha (you can also simply buy something called an Apocrypha). The most well known Book in the Apocrypha is the Book of Tobit, because there are five verses drawn from the eighth chapter used most often at weddings. My Uncle read it at my cousin's wedding, and while he, my grandfather, and my mother searched to find the passage he wanted to read in the Apocrypha I began to wonder.

Who decided what books should be included in the Bible we read and what books wouldn't? What made the chosen books more the word of God then the rest? Were the stories more memorable? Did people connect to the lessons more intensely? Why is part of God's word in most Bibles, and the rest in a special addendum that most people don't know exists much less read?

If you think about it, what stopped us from doing the same thing to everything that God said? Moses receives the 10 commandments but decides that he doesn't like 3, 6, and 9 so he leaves them separated and only a select number of people ever learn about them. Suddenly because not everyone knows about it, we are allowed to take the Lord's name in vain, murder people, and bear false witness against our neighbors. Its okay for the masses because those commandments were set aside, and so those who don't know about them therefore can not be breaking them. Last time I checked a lie of omission was still a lie, and not knowing that something was illegal didn't mean that you could do it legally.

Why are we not teaching our children about these books in Sunday School or Bible Camp? Why are there not Bible studies for grown ups that talk about the Apocrypha Books? I guess someone decided that we should read only what we are given and not seek more. I think that means we end up missing out on some of God's stories. We are missing some of the pieces of the puzzle. How can we claim to know God when most of us aren't aware that we haven't heard all the story, that some of the chapters were torn out? Aren't you curious about the lives of Adam and Eve outside of the stories in Genesis? Sometimes I hear a passage of scripture and think "there has to be more to it." And here it is:

Books of the Apocrypha
1 Esdras (Vulgate 3 Esdras)
2 Esdras (Vulgate 4 Esdras)
Rest of Esther (Vulgate Esther 10:4-16:24)
Ecclesiasticus (also known as Sirach)
Baruch and the Epistle of Jeremy (both part of Vulgate Baruch)
Song of the Three Children (Vulgate Daniel 3:24-90)
Story of Susanna (Vulgate Daniel 13)
The Idol Bel and the Dragon (Vulgate Daniel 14)
Prayer of Manasses
1 Maccabees
2 Maccabees

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