Saturday, December 3, 2011

Internship Week of November 27th

            I had my final meeting with the rector at my internship this week. We talked about how the I think the internship went, what I learned, and where I see myself at this point. It has been an unbelievably positive experience, and she has been an amazing mentor. She fully supports where I see myself right now, and thinks it is the right decision for me.
            We discussed what I see myself doing when I return from my home parish, and I mentioned that I would like to do some adult education type classes. Since my home parish is so small, there really isn’t the forum for adult Christian formation like there is at my internship. I’m not going to attempt a massive overhaul, but I would like to do some things. I would like to perhaps (rector willing and congregation interested) teach a weeknight Lenten Educational program in the spring, using the book “Have a Little Faith.” If that goes well I would like to do something for Advent next year and then another Lenten Program the following spring. I hope that if parishioners enjoy the programs, they will be interested in stepping up and leading a class themselves, and we will be able to grow the adult education program that way. I learned a lot about the different ways in which to engage an adult audience from the different kinds of adult programs I attended at my internship; I’m interested to see which ones will be the most successful at my home parish.

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