Monday, April 26, 2010

History of My Faith Part 3

In all of my years of living on this planet, if I've learned one thing its to always be prepared. You never know what you'll come across during the day, when you first wake up in the morning; but all the same you have to be prepared.

We know through the Bible that Christ will come again. I interpret it a little differently than most. I believe that Christ will walk the Earth again, when the time is right, yes. In the mean time, I believe that He has "come again" many different times. He is inside each of us through the Holy Spirit. We aren't always consciously aware of it, but in many ways we know its there. Connecting us in more ways than we can imagine. The Holy Spirit is there to prepare us for that time when Christ walks this Earth again. Though, it also gives us inspiration and ways to spread God's word to all we meet along the path of life we travel every day of our existence on Earth.

As children, we're told that we should always share with the other kids. I think that still applies as we become older. We should always share all we have and all we know about God, with others. As a wise adult said to me once in Sunday School, "You may be the only Bible they will ever read." Wow. That's a lot of power to hold in our hands at any age or status. To think that talking about something you have a lot of faith in, could change a person's life entirely; its enough to make you pass out. But wait, there's help, if you know who to ask. God, the one who would never abandon us; but who will help us with all the tasks we face, if we ask Him. He will help us to say the right things; by opening our hearts to the Holy Spirit we become a vessel for God's word. At those times when we don't know just what to say, He can help.

When I was a senior in high school, I went to a peer ministry training workshop. I was there to become a Peer Minister for E.Y.E. (more on that experience another day, I promise). It was for a weekend, and it was meant to show us how to be better listeners and shoulders for leaning on. During one particular session we used a passage in the Bible about the blind beggar to help us with asking good questions. Myself and two other people were asked to represent the three major characters from the story. One became the blind beggar, one a townsperson who had rebuked the beggar, and I was asked to be Jesus Christ.

Portraying Christ in a play is one thing, but to be "interrogated" as Christ is very different. Its much like talking to someone who doesn't know about/believe in Him. You must be patient, calm, and understanding. They asked me many questions and though I feared I wouldn't know the "correct answer" or just plain how to answer, some how I managed to be perfectly calm. And the most amazing thing happened. I was answering their questions without thinking. I simply opened my mouth, and the words came out. It was almost as though I was channeling Christ. And who knows; perhaps He was simply speaking through me. Allowing for us to look at the story from many angles, really helped us to understand there are many different ways to view the world around us.

Some of you will read this and say "Who does she think she is? Nobody channels Christ! That's ridiculous." To those who say that you are forgetting one thing. Every single person who is ordained a priest is considered to be a representation of Christ for the Church. As a baker I look at flour, sugar, and other such ingredients, and see a final product. Yet unlike a cook, I look at meat and spices and that is all I see. We each envision something else when we look at things to be combines.

On Sunday mornings or whenever you go to church, when the priest/pastor holds up the communion most of us truly see Christ's flesh and blood. Granted there are those who don't see it like that, but hopefully with a little guidance from the rest of use they can if they wish. Every person has the ability to share their faith, and every time that they do, whether the person that they share it with believes or not, they are "channeling Christ". When you help a stranger to see a path; or when a priest/pastor who is unprepared, but stands before his congregation and gives a sermon everyone pays attention to. We all have the ability to seek and serve Christ, be it within ourselves or within others. After all, we are all God's children.

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