Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Meeting to Move Forward

This afternoon I had a meeting with the Rector of St. James, to discuss St. James becoming my home parish and to discuss moving forward in the process. It was a successful meeting and I feel that I got a lot out of it.

We started with me telling her about how I came to this point in my life. Detailing all of the involvement I had over the years both at the church in Georgia where I grew up, and at the parish I was at before moving to St. James. I told her of all the little things that had sparked my interest in the process-my family connections to the church, my personal connections through my involvement, the family and friends who have encouraged me thus far and helped me to see that I am following the right path, and the conversations and arguments I've had with God over the last 5+ years about my future.

After all that had been established we talked about the process somewhat. We are both still unclear about the details, but we know for sure that I will have to be formally recommended for and apply to the discernment process in my diocese. I am working on getting all the details as soon as possible. She told me that I needed to know two things before I began. 1) that the process is a difficult one that can tear you down piece by piece leaving you to feel like there is nothing left to give even though you are being asked to give more and 2) the job opportunities are highly competitive and few and far between. Both of which are things that I have heard and been praying about for awhile. She also recommended that I read a book titled Listening Hearts by Suzanne Farnham as I move forward.

Our conversation drifted towards my future at St. James and we discussed what I could do to get involved quickly and put myself out there to get to know the congregation. Due to my significant involvement with the church during my youth, she is encouraging me to get involved with the youth at St. James. The are a small group but she sees a lot of potential. I would be working with another woman who has been teaching the youth for years, which is great. I also had already decided to become an L.E.M. and a Lector, which she said is definitely a good start. She also suggested I get involved in the Outreach programs, and perhaps even the group Smores. (Yes as in the tasty chocolatey marshmallowy campfire snack) It is a group that was started a few years ago after they completed their new building to help "rekindle the fire" and remind them why they built the building. The group works to invite the community into the church (in ways other than the nursery/preschool), does some dedicated outreach, and in general works to provide a way for the congregation to grow, impact their community, and impact each other.

She has invited me to the Vestry meeting on May 18th at 7pm to talk to them about who I am, why I'm here, and what I would like to bring to the church. This is a very important meeting as it introduces me to the parish vestry and they will need to know me in order to write a letter on my behalf to the Bishop.

In the meantime my goals are to nail down the specifics and logistics of the process, and to work at finding a spiritual mentor/leader/guide. And to continue to talk with God about what I'm feeling and where I'm heading.

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