Saturday, October 8, 2011

Internship Week of October 2nd

I attended Adult Forum again on Sunday morning. It was more crowded than last Sunday and the discussion was very stimulating. There will be a monthly discussion of Mitch Albom’s “Have a Little Faith” starting next Sunday, so I spent a few days reading it this week. I found it really spoke to me in a lot of ways, and look forward to discussing it with the other participants. It will be lead by a parishioner instead of Rev. Ann, and I look forward to seeing how that leadership role, plays out.
I served at the 10:15 service. I was given the Archdeacon’s seat next to the rector. I the rector at the table for the Eucharist, and served wine at the High Altar. This was a little different for me, and I really enjoyed it. I made a few mistakes, but seemingly no one in the congregation noticed, as I received nothing but positive feedback.
The rector and I met for a time, and discussed many things. Mostly we talked about my involvement, and pastoral care. It was an eye opening discussion about how she, as the sole non-retired-staffed priest of the parish, handles her pastoral care duties. The rector spoke a lot about the importance of prioritizing everything, and about having support from parishioners.
I attended a jazz concert at the church. It was an event open to the public, and half of the people who attended were congregants and half were not. It was interesting to see how welcoming the congregants were to the members of the community, and how much everyone got out of the experience.

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